Good Memories

In the time of COVID, I have avoided drinking too much.

The other day, I was sitting on my balcony, drinking ginger tea and watching the people walking by. It's one of my favourite things to do: sit on my balcony, people-watch, and get lost in my thoughts.

Suddenly, I remembered a joyful day when I invited some friends over for lunch.

One of my friends had recently travelled to France, specifically Alsace, and he came back with a handful of stories and wines to share.

For the menu that day, I chose some starters like terrine of foie gras and carpaccio, and for the main course, we had lamb chops.

I won't go into detail about the food, because that's not the main point of this story. Let's talk about the wine.

My friend had brought me an Alsatian pinot gris as a gift. I had never had pinot gris from Alsace before, and it was amazing.

The wine was full-bodied and complex, with flavors of peach, apricot, and honey. It was the perfect match for the rich food we were eating.

We all enjoyed the wine so much that we ended up drinking the whole bottle. It was a truly memorable meal, and I'll never forget the delicious Alsatian pinot gris.

I still remember the day I drank this wine in mid-2012 with great joy. It wasn't an expensive wine, but it was perfect for our lunch that day. I've tried to find it here in England, but I haven't been lucky.

Do you have any good wine memories you'd like to share?



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